Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Nigeria Writer: Never Again

By Felix Brambaifa

Taste the deep salt of my tears
Realize that my heart is tethered in despairs
Taste the solitude that binds me
Then you shall realize I seek to be free

Many the concerns that waft through
But none to measure the contents of my grief
This reality is to all but a domineering few
Whose vanity drives their rectitude adrift

My bond from childhood was forged
So I had pledged to a service of truth
But now my confidence deeply scorched
Erstwhile loyalties must now bear ill fruit

How vain the pursuit of the commoner
Whose gaze pierces not even his own ignorance
How certain he might never become the dreamer
Whose visions take to account his annoyance

Never again shall I subscribe to be part of this
Never again shall I claim nonchalance
To embrace quietude when events go amiss
When the clandestine make their stance

Judge not unfairly the particulars of my origin
For as a Nigerian I am greatly aware of shame
And her wickedness that makes us all scream
I am victim to the vices that brings her fame

So now I stand on the grounds of convictions
And disavow all commitments to her gains
To make ridicule of her false constitutions
Which forever has held us all under chains

With resolve I wash anew my defiled dignity
And put before suspicion things of government
For it was and still is the hand that brings calamity
And for their sake did we endure cruel torment

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